Monday, August 5, 2013

Painting to music

Last summer my husband's motorcycle was out of commission, so this summer he was VERY excited to be able to go off on a long drive.  Two years ago his summer trip took him to Canada, and he took my ipod with him so he could have music on the road.  Unfortunately he lost it. (The year before that he lost my camera, though he later found it.)

So it was great fun, as he was putting on his summer bike pants, to find the missing ipod in an obscure pocket on the side of his right thigh: it means I can now have music in my studio!  So I plugged it in to my daughter's old speaker set, curious to see what music was on it (after all, I haven't seen it for two years). I found a playlist called "Music for the Soul," set it running, started painting, and this is the result -- way more mystical than my usual stuff.

Think I'm going to have to try this again!

1 comment:

Stratoz said...

I too love creating art inspired by music. Yes, keep doing it.